Not sure which pub you need? Try searching the Central Army Registry (CAR).
TRADOC Policy Letters
(CAC required)
Published: TP 600-4.pdf
12 Mar 2025
The Soldier's Blue Book
Published: TM 1-18.pdf
11 Dec 2024
Public Access Defibrillator and Stop the Bleed Programs
Published: TP 525-92.pdf
5 Dec 2024
The Operational Environment 2024-2034: Large-Scale Combat Operations
Published: TC 600-8.pdf
24 Sep 2024
U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command Army Civilian Professional Onboarding Program
TRADOC Administrative Publications
TRADOC administrative publications are issued in accordance with authority and procedure established by Army Regulation 25-30, Army Publishing Program. Policies and procedures for publication of TRADOC command administrative publications are established by TRADOC Regulation 25-35, Preparing and Publishing TRADOC Administrative Publications. Publications are defined below:
TRADOC Circulars (TCs) contain material that is directive or informational, is transitory, or needs to be published only once. Circulars expire 2 years from the date of issue or earlier.
TRADOC Memorandums (TMs) apply to HQ TRADOC only. They establish policies, responsibilities, and administrative procedures; pattern of organizations and workflow; and recurring and special forms and reports within HQ TRADOC. They are effective until superseded or rescinded.
TRADOC Pamphlets (TPs) are permanent instructional or informational publications that apply command-wide. Pamphlets are not directive. They provide guidance and information needed to carry out policies and procedures established by regulations. Forms established by pamphlets are for optional use only.
TRADOC Regulations (TRs) contain policies, responsibilities, and administrative procedures relating to subjects not contained in Army Regulations. They are permanent directives, effective until superseded or rescinded. Each regulation is confined to a single subject and is the only authority to prescribe mandatory use of TRADOC forms.
TRADOC Supplements (TSs) contain policies, responsibilities, and administrative procedures required to implement Army regulations. It is the only medium authorized to provide subordinate commanders additional instructions to implement an Army regulation. Supplements do not supersede, change, or rescind any portion of an Army regulation.
TRADOC Forms (TFs) are prescribed by TRADOC administrative publications. Forms prescribed by TRADOC pamplets are optional.
The Publications Control Officer for TRADOC Administrative Publications can be reached at (571) 588-0739.
The Admin Pubs webmaster can be reached at (757) 501-6536 or at the email link in the footer.